San Secondo Parmense

San Secondo Parmense

The itinerary begins with a stop at the Rocca dei Rossi, an architectural complex which originated from the 15th-century structure built by order of Pier Maria Rossi. During the 16th century, it was transformed into a noble residence by Troilo I, Pier Maria III, Troilo II. It houses an impressive pictorial cycle and the “Gesta Rossiane” Hall.

The tour continues with the Oratory of the “Beata Vergine del Serraglio”, built in the place of an ancient Maestà on the road towards Fontanellato. Between 1685 and 1687, Count Scipione I had the current church built and decorated by Ferdinando Galli (also known as “il Bibiena”) and by Sebastiano Ricci. Il Bibiena was in charge of both the architecture and the wall decoration, il Ricci painted the dome, the “Assunzione di Maria Vergine” and the pendentives.

San Secondo Parmense also houses the "Pieve di San Genesio”: the church is located in an isolated area, among fields and canals, in a context similar to the medieval countryside, where it was built almost ten centuries ago.

Finally, we suggest a visit to the “Agorà Coppini” Museum, which aims at conveying the local history, through the olive oil culture.

Po River Experience