Un borgo da scoprire


16/07/2023 - Un borgo da scoprire

Domenica 16 luglio, appuntamento con il percorso culturale Un borgo da scoprire, tra bellezze architettoniche e luoghi più suggestivi del borgo rinascimentale di Gualtieri.
Ritrovo ore 9.30 in Piazza IV Novembre (ingresso Palazzo Bentivoglio).
Per info e prenotazioni
Entro il 14 luglio ore 20:00
Pro Loco Gualtieri - tel. 335 6955053 Luigi Ferrari




Church of the SS Annunziata

Audioguida ITA

Audio guide EN


The original building - located further east - has been affected by frequent floods of the river Po that seriously compromised its stability. A new one was built between 1653 and 1670. The church interior has a single nave, with six side chapels. The vault was entirely restored between 1914 and 1915, as well as a large part of the Temple.

gualtieri 06

Bentivoglio Palace

Audioguida ITA

Audio guide EN


Palazzo Bentivoglio was built on the structure of an ancient castle. The complex consisted of a large quadrangular structure surrounded by deep moats at the four corners and included towers. The entire complex enclosed a large courtyard.