Bonifica Bentivoglio
The initial land reclamation project had already been planned in the early XVI century and was later resumed and implemented by Cornelio Bentivoglio, ...
The original building - located further east - has been affected by frequent floods of the river Po that seriously compromised its stability. A new one was built between 1653 and 1670. The church interior has a single nave, with six side chapels. The vault was entirely restored between 1914 and 1915, as well as a large part of the Temple.
Palazzo Bentivoglio was built on the structure of an ancient castle. The complex consisted of a large quadrangular structure surrounded by deep moats at the four corners and included towers. The entire complex enclosed a large courtyard.
Constructed in 1769, it was designed at the end of the 16th century – during the Bentivoglio reclamation works - to replace the wooden bridge over the Crostolo stream.