A walk in Gualtieri


A walk in Gualtieri

We enter Gualtieri from the beautiful Piazza Bentivoglio, a perfect square of 100 meters on the side, designed by the Ferrara architect Giovan Battista Aleotti, and then continue towards Palazzo Bentivoglio, residence of the Marquis of Gualtieri, overlooking the square in front of the "Torre dell'Orologio".

Inside the Palazzo Bentivoglio, in the room of Icaro, it is possible to visit the collection of paintings belonging to the theatrical tailor Umberto Tirelli, a native of Gualtieri, donated by him to the Municipality of Gualtieri and set up in 1992. 

The Palace houses the Documentary Museum and the Antonio Ligabue Study Center, dedicated to the works of the famous twentieth century painter who was born in Zurich and lived in Gualtieri. Also in Piazza Bentivoglio is the collegiate church of Santa Maria della Neve, built according to a design by Argenta.

The day ends with a visit to the Golena di Gualtieri, a very fascinating place from a naturalistic point of view. 

Find out more

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