The Civic Well


The Civic Well

The construction of the Civic Well dates back to 1765, when a decree by the Duke of Modena established the closure of all the wells located in the new square, in order to avoid the surfacing of the Po river springs. The construction of a single well for the use of the community was thus deliberated and its design was entrusted to Giovan Battista Fattori.

Fattori designed it in the shape of a small temple and placed it in the centre of the square, on axis with the facade of the Church of Sant’Andrea, in order to create a prospective connection between the two buildings and strengthen the perception of the square as a unity. It has an octagonal central body, surrounded by a porch with Doric-Tuscan columns, below which it is possible to observe openings used to draw water.  


donazione tirelli gualtieri

Tirelli Collection

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The collection is hosted in the rooms of Palazzo Bentivoglio and consists of 50 works of considerable artistic value that the famous tailor Umberto Tirelli has donated to the City of Gualtieri.

Among these stand out Balthus drawings, paintings by Fabrizio Clerici, Renato Guttuso, Mino Maccari, Giorgio de Chirico, Giacomo Manzù. Also on show are two costumes designed by Pier Luigi Pizzi and Piero Tosi for the Enrico IV of Pirandello and for the Ludwig by Luchino Visconti.