Adventure Park Forestavventura


Adventure Park Forestavventura

“Forestavventura” in Luzzara is an amazing adrenaline park located on secular trees in the Po natural area. Inside the park, you will find acrobatic routes for all ages! Forestavventura is equipped with a kiosk bar and a leisure area with tables - in the shade of majestic secular oaks.

Nella golena di Luzzara, in un magnifico bosco di querce secolari, si trova il parco avventura “River Park“, un’area con percorsi acrobatici tra gli alberi a diverse altezze e difficoltá per bambini, ragazzi e adulti. L’ ambiente che lo circonda si distingue per la tranquillità, gli spazi verdi e l’ aria incontaminata, fuori dal contesto urbano.
Adatto sia a grandi che a piccoli, il parco dispone di percorsi di diverso grado di difficolta’, realizzati in tutta sicurezza e nel completo rispetto della natura. All’ interno del parco sono presenti panchine e tavoli da pic-nic per pranzi al sacco. Nell’ area adiacente è presente, sulle rive del fiume del Po, un chiosco-bar stagionale*, dove è possibile mangiare hamburger, panini, insalatone e grigliate, con musica dal vivo nei weekend.

Contatti Parco Avventura “River Park”
viale Cesare Zavattini (ex Viale Po) – Luzzara
tel. 333 4710824

LA BAIA Luzzara
Chiosco-bar stagionale
Aperto indicativamente dal 1°maggio al 30 settembre 
Sabato e domenica tutto il giorno
Gli altri giorni dalle 16.00 alle 23.00




Church and Former Convent of the Augustinians

Also known as the church of the former hospital or church of the “Conventino”. It was built at the end of the 15th century by the will of Caterina Pico - Marquis of Luzzara Rodolfo Gonzaga’s wife. It was nearly destroyed to the foundations and reconstructed between 1764 and 1771. Fortunately, the 15th-century apse has been left intact. The sacristy hosts the remains of a funerary monument - dedicated to Luigi Gonzaga, who died in 1570 - partially destroyed by a fire in 1918. In the upper part of the monument, in the very centre, it is possible to admire the Gonzaga coat of arms - borne up by two putti and dominated by a two-headed crowned eagle. The monument stands on an architrave borne by two large statues: a Caryatid and an Atlas. From the centre, under the ledge and borne by a lion’s head, a fruit festoon passes over the Caryatids and descends towards the outer sides, up to the large corbel of the base, where two eagles are placed. The monument also housed a plaque dedicated to Luigi Gonzaga. Frescoes of historical and artistic interest have been recently discovered under the adjacent porch.