The Torrione pumping station


The Torrione pumping station

The “Impianto Idrovoro del Torrione” (pumping station) was created between 1920 and 1923. Through a system composed of three pumps, it was possible to drain the excess water in the Crostolo stream. In the site known as “Torrione” - halfway between Gualtieri and Santa Vittoria - you may still find many artifacts, dating back from the 16th century to the present day. From the banks of the Crostolo it is possible to enjoy a suggestive view of the complex water system of the lowlands.




Church of the SS Annunziata

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The original building - located further east - has been affected by frequent floods of the river Po that seriously compromised its stability. A new one was built between 1653 and 1670. The church interior has a single nave, with six side chapels. The vault was entirely restored between 1914 and 1915, as well as a large part of the Temple.

donazione tirelli gualtieri

Tirelli Collection

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The collection is hosted in the rooms of Palazzo Bentivoglio and consists of 50 works of considerable artistic value that the famous tailor Umberto Tirelli has donated to the City of Gualtieri.

Among these stand out Balthus drawings, paintings by Fabrizio Clerici, Renato Guttuso, Mino Maccari, Giorgio de Chirico, Giacomo Manzù. Also on show are two costumes designed by Pier Luigi Pizzi and Piero Tosi for the Enrico IV of Pirandello and for the Ludwig by Luchino Visconti.