Basilica of San Marco the Evangelist


Basilica of San Marco the Evangelist

The mid-19th century Basilica stands on the ruins of previous churches, which were also named after the Saint. It was designed by architect L. Panizzi Moriglio, built between 1871 and 1883, and consecrated in the same year.

The Basilica of Boretto, built between 1871 and 1883 near the master embankment, has a plan configuration with a Greek cross, a central dome and a deep apsed choir. On the wide nave there are four chapels with altars. 

The planimetric composition is a Greek cross with a central dome and a deep apsed choir. The façade faces south. The north and south arms of the cross form a large nave on which four altars (St. Joseph, St. Anthony of Padua, BV of the Rosary, Blessed Artemide Zatti) and four small rooms, of which the first on the left of the entrance houses the Baptismal Font. The east and west arms give rise to a sort of transept. The intersection with the nave identifies the hemispherical dome, rebuilt in wood in 1995. In the eastern transept is placed the altar of the Sacred Heart, to the west the altar of the Crucifix (with the Blessed Sacrament). The presbytery is raised three steps from the floor of the nave. 

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