Church of the Saints Pietro and Paolo
It is the oldest religious building in Guastalla and one of the oldest in the province. Dating back, in its primitive form, before the X century, it is now dedicated to the Saint Apostles Peter and Paul.
Its consecration dates back to 997 by Pope Gregory V. It was the seat of a Synod in 1095, with the Pope of the I Crusade Urban II, and a Council in 1106 with Pasquale II. In over a thousand years of its history it underwent various transformations, which ended in 1931, when a radical restoration was carried out, which restored it to its current splendor. In the right aisle there is a Madonna of fine work of the Modenese artist Guido Mazzoni, active in the mid-fifteenth century and estimated as the greatest Emilian sculptor of the time. In the left aisle there is a wooden Crucifix, polychrome, datable to the sixteenth century.
- Edifici interesse religioso