Po 432 Museum - The Navigation and Government of the river Po
PO 432, the “Museo-Cantiere del Po, della navigazione interna e del governo delle acque” is located on the river Po banks, in Boretto - exactly 432 kilometers far from the source on the Monviso.
Po 432, the museum-shipyard of navigation and management of the river Po is constituted by an evocative field of industrial archeology that documents the history of the fluvial navigation in Emilia-Romagna. The museum is housed in the former ARNI shipyard (Company for the Inland Navigation of the Emilia Romagna Region, now AIPO) and hosts old and less old boats, machines and tools to forge them.
The imposing 'Secchia' pirodraga launched in Venice at the beginning of the 1930s is placed in the square.